Past Work

Offering Optimal Energy Solutions


  • City of Houston REEP Program (Residential Energy Efficiency Program)
  • City of Houston income based weatherization program funded by ARRA.

Role: Prime Contractor- Providing initial and final weatherization assessments using NEAT (National Energy Assessment Tool). Assessing Single Family and multifamily homes

Public Utility

CenterPoint Energy

Hard to Reach Standard Offer Program. Public Utility sponsored incentive based weatherization program.

Role: Prime Contractor- Marketing to and enrolling income eligible single family and multifamily residents into the program. Providing weatherization assessments then installing qualified weatherization measures


Home Performance With Energy Star. Public Utility sponsored incentive based weatherization program

Role: Prime Contractor- Marketing to and enrolling income eligible single family and multifamily residents into the program. Providing weatherization assessments then installing qualified weatherization measures


Houston Works Weatherization Program

Nonprofit sponsored income and age based weatherization installation program funded by CenterPoint Energy.

Role: Prime Contractor- Marketing to and enrolling income eligible single family and residents into the program. Providing weatherization assessments then installing qualified weatherization measures.